Flight specifications

To process your flight on SAFEOPS, you will have to indicate the services you offer to your customers. It will allow you to automatically generate the specifications of each flight.

Add services

First, go to the services section :

  • Click on your username or your avatar in the right corner of the SAFEOPS header.
  • In the drop down menu, click on Settings
  • In the Settings menu displayed to the left side of your page, click on services.

To add a service

  • Click on the button Add service located in the upper right side of your page
  • In the displayed dialog box, enter the relative information about your service
  • Click on the button Save.
How to add a service

How to add a service

Add tasks to the service

To be supervised with the Android application, a service must have tasks.
A task is a specific information that your agent must give about the service he is operating via the Android SAFEOPS. For example, inform about quantity, weight, number,duration…

To add a task:

  • Click on the service name to go to its details page
  • Click on the button Add task
  • In the displayed dialog box, choose the operations to which this task will be added.
  • Tape the name of your task. Choose an explicit name that can be easily understood by your staff.
  • Select your task’s type:
    • Integer type: enables the agent to type an integer numerical value, for example 145.
    • Decimal type: allows the agent to type a decimal numerical value, for example: 15,87
    • Text type: allows the agent to type a text
    • Duration type: allows the agent to start a chronometer in order to calculate a duration.
    • Time Type: allows the agent to give the execution time of an action.
    • Yes or No Type: allows the agent to specify whether an action took place or not.
  • Choose the recurrence of the task:
    • Once: The agent will have to specify the task value one time only
    • Many: The agent will have to submit successively different values for the same task.
  • Click on the button Save.
How to add a task to a service

How to add a task to a service

We recommend that you add all your services before starting the services management in your stations and for your customers.

Assign services to a customer

In order for your customers’ flights to be processed with the Android SAFEOPS, you need to indicate the services selected in his contract.

When the flights are imported, their airlines companies are automatically added to SAFEOPS as customers.

To access to your customer’s list:

  • Click on your username or your avatar in the right corner of the SAFEOPS header.
  • In the drop down menu, click on Settings
  • In the left side of your page, click on customers in the settings menu.

To manage the customer’s services

  • Click on his name, his OACI code or on his logo in order to go to his details page.
  • Access, then, to his Services tab
  • Click on the button Manage servicessituated in the right side of the page
  • In the dialog box, tick the services demanded by your customer
  • Click on the button Close when you are done.
How to add a task to a service

How to assign a service to a customer

Each flight inherits the services demanded by the customer and available in the station he is passing by. Thus, the specifications of your flights will be automatically generated by SAFEOPS.

Assign services to a station

In order for the flights passing by your stations to be processed by the Android SAFEOPS, you need to indicate which services are available.

To access the Station section

  • Click on your username or your avatar in the right corner of the SAFEOPS header.
  • In the drop down menu, click on Settings
  • In the left side of your page, click on Stations in the settings menu.

To manage the station’s services

  • Click on the name or code station in order to log to the details page.
  • Go to the Services tab
  • Click on the button Manage servicessituated in the right side of the page
  • In the dialog box, tick the available services in the station
  • Click on the button Close when you are done.
How to add a task to a service

How to assign a service to a station

Next step : Add your agents