Allocation : dispatching agents

The Allocation section enables you to assign agents to your flight’s operations and to choose which services they would be in charge of and the tasks they should do
To go to the Allocation page:

  • In the main menu, click on Flights
  • In the drop down menu, click on List of flights
  • In the flight list, click on the station code
  • You will be redirected to the Allocation flight page.

Before using the Allocation, make sure you have agents assigned to the station which your flight is passing by.
See how to Assign an agent to a station

In the Allocation page, if your flight passes by 2 stations, you can switch from a station to another by clicking on the station button.

Assign agents to flight’s operations

This step will enable you to select which agents will be working on a flight and to assign them the operations.

  • In the flight Allocation page, click on the button Assignment to operations.
  • In the dialog box, tick the operations to assign your agents.
  • Click on Close when you are done.
  • The assigned agents will, now, be displayed in the page.
How to assign agents to the flight's operations

How to assign agents to the flight's operations

In this step, agents will be automatically assigned to the operations services. In case of need, you can change the services assignment of an agent.

Manage the agents services

To change the services assignment of an agent:

  • After assigning the agents to the flight’s operations and closing the operations dialog box, click on an operation of one of your agent.
  • A new panel appears below, it’s the agent’s assignment details: you can see which services are assigned to the agents with regard to the operations he was assigned to.
  • Click on the button Services assignment
  • In the dialog box, select the services you have to assign to your agent and uncheck those you need to remove him from.
  • Click on Close when you are done.
How to manage the agents services

How to manage the agents services

When an agent is assigned to a service, he receives automatically all its tasks.

Manage an agent’s tasks

In case of need, you can change the tasks assignment of an agent.

  • In the agent assignment details panel click on the Tasks link of a service.
  • In the dialog box, select the tasks to be assigned to your agent and uncheck those you need to remove.
  • Click on Close when you are done.
How to add a task to a service

How to manage an agent’s tasks

The services you find in the Allocation page are originated from the flight’s specifications.

The service’s tasks are created and managed in the Settings section.
See how to add tasks to a service.