Add flights to SAFEOPS

In order to be able to import your flights to SAFEOPS, you need to add your stations.

First, add your stations

The stations on SAFEOPS are the airports where you treat flights. To access the Stations section:

  • Click on your username or on your avatar situated in the right corner of the SAFEOPS header
  • In the drop down menu, click on Settings
  • In the left side of the page, click on Stations in the settings menu.

To add a station

  • Click on the button Add station in the upper right corner of the page.
  • In the new page, enter the IATA code or the ICAO code of the airport.
  • If the airport is known, its name will be displayed in green
  • If the ICAO and IATA codes are unknown, new fields will be displayed. Enter the rest of the airport information in this area.
  • Click on the button Add station
How to add a station

How to add a station

We recommend that you add all your stations before beginning to import flights.

Import your flights

The flight import is done via the download of CSV files. It is important to know that only the flights that have a station on SAFEOPS, already, will be imported.

Example of a flight on a spreadsheet software

Example of a flight on a spreadsheet software

Example of a flight on an editing software

Example of a flight on an editing software

To import flights:

  • In the main menu, click on Flights
  • In the drop down menu, click on List of flights
  • In the list of flights page, click on the button Add flight in the right upper part.
  • In the new box, click on upload a CSV file.
  • Select a file and then click on Open.
  • In the dialog box, you can preview the file content.
  • Click on the button Add flight
  • The new added flights will be displayed on your page
How to import flights

How to import flights

When the flights are imported, their airlines companies are automatically added to SAFEOPS as customers .

Now that you added your stations, yours customers and your flights, you need to, only, add your services to generate the specifications of your flights and agents to dispatch them to the flight operations.

Next step : Add services