In this page, you will find all the information concerning your flight.
To access the flight’s details, click on the flight’s number wherever you are in SAFEOPS.
Here you will find your flight’s ground operations in real time. While your agents are working with the Android application, each submitted task will appear in SAFEOPS’s timeline, in real time. You can also see if your agents started working or if they have finished their tasks.
You can send invitations to your partners, if they don’t have a SAFEOPS account, to follow the ground operations in a real time.
To add an observer :
It’s in this section that you will be able to edit and obtain your flight report. Your flight report is automatically filled with the flight itinerary and the services’ tasks coming from the Android application. In order to obtain a Validated report, you will have to add the following information:
You can change the registration number and the aircraft type of the flight:
To add or edit the ATD of the flight :
To add or edit the ATA of the flight :
To add a delay codes :
If there is no delay for this flight :
To add the debriefing :
At any giving time, you can have a preview of the flight report PDF copy:
The PDF copy of the flight report is only available in a preview only mode until it’s validated. To get the PDF copy, you, first, need to validate the Flight Report.
The report validation allows the locking of the following information:
Once validated, the PDF copy of the Flight Report can be downloaded and sent to different emails addresses.
To validate your Flight Report:
You can always re-open the Report if you need to add or change an information to your flight.
Once the Flight Report validated, you can download it:
To send the Flight Report to an email address :
You can always re-open the Report if you need to add or change an information to your flight :
When you reopen the report, preview only mode is restored.
This means that downloading the pdf and sending it to e-mail addresses is no longer available until the report is validated again.
The flight specifications are generated automatically by SAFEOPS by combining the services requested by the airline (see managing the customer’s services) and the services available at the stations (see managing the station services). The Specifications tab lists the services to be provided to the flight in the station(s).
If your flight passes by 2 stations, you can switch from a station to another by clicking on the station button.
The services of the flight specifications must be assigned to agents so that they can be processed on the Android application.
To assign agents to a flight go to its Allocation page.
To add a new service to the flight's specifications, follow these steps
Once a service is assigned to the station and the airline, it will be automatically included in the Flight Specifications.
By default SAFEOPS adds the new service to agents already assigned to the same flight operations of this service.
You can change the agent service assignment from the Flight Allocation page.
First, go to the services section :
To add a service
To be supervised with SAFEOPS Android application, a service must have tasks.
A task is a specific information that your agent must give about the service he is operating via the Android application. For example, inform about quantity, weight, number,duration…
To add a task:
To access your customers services list:
To add the new service :
To access the Station services :
To add the new service
This page allows you to know the activity of SAFEOPS users on the flight informations: when the flight was added, updates, cancellation etc.