Canceled flights

Flights that have been cancelled are listed on this page.
You can always see the Allocations and the Details pages of the canceled flight. However, you will not be able to change the operation assignment of the agents or the report information.

A canceled flight will not have a PDF Flight Report.

To cancel a flight:

  • In the main menu, click on Flights
  • In the drop down menu, click on List of flights
  • In the flights list, click on the options icon, the three dots shaped, in the right side of your flight.
  • Click on Cancel flight.
  • In the appearing dialog box, confirm your choice by clicking on Cancel flight.
How to cancel a flight

How to cancel a flight

When disabling the last task of a service, this service can no longer be monitored on the Android application. The service is removed from the stations, the customers and therefore the specifications of the flights.