This section allows you to manage the airports where you provide services and where you have agents.
To access the Station list:
To add a station
To delete a station
A future flight that only passes through the deleted station will also be deleted. If the flight also passes through another station, it will be kept. The assignment in the deleted station will no longer be available.
The details page of your station gathers information about the airport as well as the list of agents assigned to it. You will also be able to manage the services available there. To access the station details page:
This tab contains information about the airport.
To edit the station general information :
To add a comment about the station :
Here you can manage the services available in your station.
To use this section, you must already have added services with tasks. See how to add services.
So that your flights can be processed, your station must have services. A service that is not assigned to the station is considered unavailable.
To manage the station services :
When you add services to a station, SAFEOPS checks if your customers have required them for their flights. If so, these services will be included in the specifications of these flights.
In order to process the flights that pass through your station with the Android application, you will have to assign agents to your station. You can assign an agent to a station from its details page.
To assign a user to a station :
The user’s country determines the stations where he can be assigned. Make sure your agent's country is the same as the country where you want to assign him.
To remove the user’s assignment to a station :
When you disengage an agent from a station, he is automatically removed from its next flights.