
This is the main interface with which you will interact during flight processing.
To the left of this interface, you have the list of services to which you are assigned. Tap a service to see the list of tasks it contains.
This list is composed of 2 sections: the tasks to do and the tasks done .

liste of services and their tasks

List of services and their tasks

Tasks to do

These are the tasks for which you must enter a value and then submit them.

How to enter the value of a task

For numeric and textual tasks:

  • Tap on the field to be filled and enter the value or text
  • Type the validation key on your keypad, or tap on the screen to save your value

For a task of duration type:

  • Tap on the Play button to start the stopwatch
  • Tap the Stop button to stop the stopwatch

For a Time task: Tap the Done Now button to save the time the task was done.

For a task of Yes or No type: Tap the Yes button or the No button.

If you have duration type tasks that are running, an orange bar will appear in the bottom of your screen. Tape on this bar to view the running tasks of your flight.
To end a running task:

  • Tap the stop button to end the counting.
  • Drag the task to the right to submit it to the Tasks done.
running task

Running task

How to submit a task to the Tasks done

Once you have added a value to a task, you must submit it to remove it from the to-do list and report it has been done.
To do this, drag the task to which you have entered a value to the right. Your task will appear in the Tasks done list and will also appear on the flight's timeline.

submit task

How to submit a task

Some tasks require multiple values; it is the multiple recurrence tasks.
In this case, after submitting the task to the Tasks done, a duplicate is created in the Tasks to do. This type of tasks has a specific numeration that increases according to the submitted values: 1st, 2nd, 3rd...

If you need to change the value of a task before submitting it to the Tasks done list, follow these steps:

For numeric and textual tasks:

  • Tap on the field you want to edit
  • Change the number or text
  • Type your validation key on your keypad, or tap on the screen to save your new value

For a Time task:

  • Drag the task to the left.
  • In the new interface that appears, tap on the value field
  • Change the time
  • Tap on the Submit button at the top of your screen

For a task of Yes or No type:

  • Drag the task to the left.
  • In the new interface that appears, tap the Submit button at the top of your screen
edit Yes/No and time tasks

How to edit Yes/No and time tasks

Changing the value of the duration task is not available.

Once you no longer need to add a new value to the duplicated task, you can delete it from the to-do task list.
To do so, press the duplicated task box and drag it to the bottom of your screen until it reaches the removal circle.

delete duplicated tasks

How to delete duplicated tasks

Tasks done

When a task is submitted to the Tasks done list, it will appear in the timeline of SAFEOPS applications in real time.

tasks done

List of done tasks

You can change the value of a task done. To do so, you need to:

  • Drag the task to the left.
  • In the new interface that appears, tap on the value field
  • Change the task value
  • Tap on the Submit button at the top of your screen
  • For a Yes/No task, when the new interface appears, just tap on the Submit button at the top of your screen.
edit task done

How to replace the value of a submitted task