This is where you can add and manage SAFEOPS user accounts, including your agents.
To access your users’ list:
To add a new account
The agent’s station should be part of his country.
To disable a user :
A user whose account is disabled cannot connect to SAFEOPS applications.
When you disable the account of an agent, he is automatically disassociated from its station and his flights.
To enable a user :
To delete user :
To access your user details, click on the name of your user in the users' list page or from the other pages of SAFEOPS.
This panel displays the information about the person holding the account.
To add a picture :
To update the user general information :
To change the user's country :
The user’s country determines in which stations he can be assigned. If your user is already assigned to a station, changing his country will decommission him from his station.
In SAFEOPS, time is displayed in local time, depending on the time zone of the logged user. To change a user's time zone :
This panel contains information about your user's account:
To change the username :
To change the user's email
The email address of the administrator is linked to the SAFEOPS account. To change this email, please contact the support team.
To disable a user account
A user whose account is disabled cannot log in to SAFEOPS applications.
When you disable the account of an agent, it is automatically disassociated from his station and his next flights.
To enable a user account
To change the user password
This panel is relative to the station where your user is working.
If your user is an agent, be sure to assign him to a station so that he can operate with the Android application.
To assign a user to a station :
The user’s country determines the stations where he can be assigned. Make sure your agent's country is the same as the country where you want to assign him.
To edit the user’s assignment to a station :
To remove the user’s assignment to a station :
When you disengage an agent from a station, he is automatically removed from its next flights.