This section allows you to add and manage all the services you provide. Once created, a service can be assigned to a station if it is available there, and to a customer if it has demanded it for its flights.
The services section is the basis for the constitution of the specifications of your flights.
To access the Services list:
To add a service
To be supervised with SAFEOPS Android application, a service must have tasks.
To edit the service information
To disable a service
To enable a service
To delete a service
To be supervised with the Android application, a service must have tasks.
A task is a specific information that your agent must give about the service he is operating via SAFEOPS Android application. For example, inform about quantity, weight, number,duration…
To add a task:
To edit the task information :
To disable a task :
When disabling the last task of a service, this service can no longer be monitored on the SAFEOPS Android application. The service is removed from the stations, the customers and therefore the specifications of the flights.
To enable a task :
To delete a task :
When deleting the last task of a service, this service can no longer be monitored on SAFEOPS Android application. The service is removed from the stations, the customers and therefore the specifications of the flights.