
This section allows you to add and manage all the services you provide. Once created, a service can be assigned to a station if it is available there, and to a customer if it has demanded it for its flights.

The services section is the basis for the constitution of the specifications of your flights.

To access the Services list:

  • Click on your username or avatar at the right corner of SAFEOPS header
  • From the drop-down menu, click on Settings
  • In the left side of your page, click on Services in the settings menu.

Add services

To add a service

  • Click on the button Add service located in the upper right side of your page
  • In the displayed dialog box, enter the relative information about your service
  • Click on the button Save.

To be supervised with SAFEOPS Android application, a service must have tasks.

How to add a service

How to add a service

To edit the service information

  • Go to the Services page in the Settings section
  • Click the option icon in the right corner of your service panel
  • From the drop-down menu, choose Edit service
  • In the dialog that appears, change the information about your service.
  • Click the Save button

To disable a service

  • Go to the Services page in the Settings section
  • Click the option icon in the right corner of your service panel
  • From the drop-down menu, choose Disable service
  • In the dialog box that appears, confirm your action by clicking on the Disable button

To enable a service

  • Go to the Services page in the Settings section
  • Click the option icon in the right corner of your service panel
  • From the drop-down menu, choose Enable service
  • In the dialog box that appears, confirm your action by clicking on the Enable button

To delete a service

  • Go to the Services page in the Settings section
  • Click the option icon in the right corner of your service panel
  • From the drop-down menu, choose Delete service
  • In the dialog box that appears, confirm your action by clicking on the Delete button

Add tasks to the service

To be supervised with the Android application, a service must have tasks.
A task is a specific information that your agent must give about the service he is operating via SAFEOPS Android application. For example, inform about quantity, weight, number,duration…

To add a task:

  • Click on the service name to go to its details page
  • Click on the button Add task
  • In the displayed dialog box, choose the operations to which this task will be added.
  • Tape the name of your task. Choose an explicit name that can be easily understood by your staff.
  • Select your task’s type:
    • Integer type: enables the agent to type an integer numerical value, for example 145.
    • Decimal type: allows the agent to type a decimal numerical value, for example: 15,87
    • Text type: allows the agent to type a text
    • Duration type: allows the agent to start a chronometer in order to calculate a duration.
    • Time Type: allows the agent to give the execution time of an action.
    • Yes or No Type: allows the agent to specify whether an action took place or not.
  • Choose the recurrence of the task:
    • Once: The agent will have to specify the task value one time only
    • Many: The agent will have to submit successively different values for the same task.
  • Click on the button Save.
How to add a task to a service

How to add a task to a service

To edit the task information :

  • Go to the Service details page in the Settings section
  • Click the option icon in the right corner of your task panel
  • From the drop-down menu, choose Edit task
  • In the dialog that appears, change the information about your task.
  • Click the Save button

To disable a task :

  • Go to the Service details page in the Settings section
  • Click the option icon in the right corner of your task panel
  • From the drop-down menu, choose Disable task
  • In the dialog box that appears, confirm your action by clicking on the Disable button

When disabling the last task of a service, this service can no longer be monitored on the SAFEOPS Android application. The service is removed from the stations, the customers and therefore the specifications of the flights.

To enable a task :

  • Go to the Service details page in the Settings section
  • Click the option icon in the right corner of your task panel
  • From the drop-down menu, choose Enable task
  • In the dialog box that appears, confirm your action by clicking on the Enable button

To delete a task :

  • Go to the Service details page in the Settings section
  • Click the option icon in the right corner of your task panel
  • From the drop-down menu, choose Delete task
  • In the dialog box that appears, confirm your action by clicking on the Delete button

When deleting the last task of a service, this service can no longer be monitored on SAFEOPS Android application. The service is removed from the stations, the customers and therefore the specifications of the flights.