Your agents

In order for your agents to be able to process your flights with the Android application, you need to create accounts for them in SAFEOPS.
To add an agent in SAFEOPS, create a user account and assign it to a station.

Add agents

Go, first, to the users’ list:

  • Click on your username or your avatar in the right corner of the SAFEOPS header.
  • In the drop down menu, click on Settings
  • In the left side of your page, click on Users in the settings menu.

To add a new account

  • Click on the button Add user
  • In the new page, type the relative information of your user
  • If the user that you are entering is an agent, add his station and the expiration date of his badge.
  • To finish, click on the button Save.
How to add a task to a service

How to add an agent

The agent’s station should be part of his country.

Next and final step: Manage your flights