Import flight from CSV file

How to import flight from csv file

Add your flights easily on SAFEOPS by simply uploading a CSV file.

Dispatching the ground operations

dispatching the ground operations

Form operating teams around the flight. Assign to each agent the work he needs to do.

Real time notifications

Real time notifications

Stay informed with flight progress and other users’ updates.

Follow operations in real time

safeops follow operations in real time

Follow the ground operations progress of each flight and watch your agents’ work in real time.

Guest mode: for your partners

Invite your partners to follow the flight operations in real time.

A digital flight report

SAFEOPS will fill in your flight report automatically.

SAFEOPS will fill in your flight report automatically. You will get a PDF copy that can be downloaded or sent.

Airport management

 Manage the provided services

Manage the provided services in your stations and the agents working there.

Customer management

Manage the customers’ information and the different work statement.

Manage the customers’ information and the different work statement.

Procedures integration

 Integrate the services offered to customers

Integrate the services offered to customers and define the different tasks involved.

SAFEOPS : Android application

SAFEOPS  : Android application get safeops to your agents

Dispatching in real time

Dispatching in real time

Your agents get instantly informed of where they are going to operate and receives the flight specification they are concerned with

Task execution

Your agents are able to take note of the executed tasks around the airplane with the SAFEAPP.

Your agents are able to take note of the executed tasks around the airplane with the Android application. At the same time, you can control their activities, in real time, from SAFEOPS web application.

Flight activity LIVE!

Flight activity LIVE

Each agent can follow the flight operation he is assigned to and verify the work progress of his team.