It’s the list of flights which ground operations are still ongoing or planned to take place. It is the main section in SAFEOPS where you import and manage your flights.
This section allows you, also, to log on the Allocation page and the flight details page of your flight.
You can import your flights by downloading a CSV file including this information:
Before importing flights, make sure you have added your stations. Only flights passing by stations will be imported. You can add your stations in the Settings section.
To import flights:
When the flights are imported, their airlines companies are automatically added to SAFEOPS as Customers.
You can change the registration number and the aircraft type of a flight.
You can choose to cancel a flight. It will no more be considered as a flight to be processed.
The change of aircraft information and agents’ assignment to this flight will no more be possible.
To cancel a flight:
You will find the cancelled flights in the Cancelled flights page.