
This part allows you to manage the information of the airlines whose flights you are processing.

When the flights are imported, their airlines companies are automatically added to SAFEOPS as customers.

To access the Customers list:

  • Click on your username or avatar at the right corner of SAFEOPS header
  • From the drop-down menu, click on Settings
  • In the left side of your page, click on Customers in the settings menu.

Customers details

To access the Customers details page:

  • Go to the Customers page in the Settings section.
  • Click on the Customers name or its ICAO code or on his logo.

You can also access the details page by clicking on the ICAO code of your customer or his logo from the other pages of SAFEOPS.

General Information Tab

This tab contains basic information about the airline company.

To edit the customer general information :

  • Go to the General Information tab of the customer Details page.
  • Click the Edit icon in the upper right corner of the first panel
  • In the dialog box, edit the information.
  • Click the Save button

To add a comment about the cutomer :

  • Go to the General Information tab of the customer Details page.
  • Click the Edit icon in the upper right corner of the Comment panel
  • In the dialog box, add your text.
  • Click the Save button

Flights Tab

In this tab, you can view all your customer's flights.
Click on the flight number to go to the flight details page.
Click on the station code to access Flight Allocation.

Services Tab

This tab lists the services your customer requires for his flights.

To use this section, you must already have added services with tasks.
See how to add services.

Without specified services, flights of this airline cannot be treated on SAFEOPS. A service not assigned to the customer is considered not to be required by the airline, and will therefore not form part of the specifications of its flights.

Assign services to a customer

In order for your customers’ flights to be processed with SAFEOPS Android application, you need to indicate the services selected in his contract.

To manage the customer’s services

  • Click on his name, his OACI code or on his logo in order to go to his details page.
  • Access, then, to his Services tab
  • Click on the button Manage services situated in the right side of the page
  • In the dialog box, tick the services demanded by your customer
  • Click the Close button when you are done.
How to add a task to a service

How to assign a service to a customer

Each flight inherits the services demanded by the customer and available in the station it is passing by. Thus, the specifications of your flights will be automatically generated by SAFEOPS.